【衝撃】71歳のおじいちゃん、3メートルの怪物ワニとの20分間の格闘から生還 南アフリカ

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1: 以下、名無しで筋肉速報がお送りします 2018/09/09(日) 22:29:45.84 ID:CAP_USER9







‘I HEARD BONES CRUSH’ Grandad, 71, relives 20-minute fight for life with CROCODILE after stepping on 10ft-long beast

The January attack left Knottenbelt with a broken sternum, bruising to his heart, six broken ribs, a punctured lung and a dislocated right collarbone

By Mike Behr
8th September 2018, 10:53 pm
Updated: 8th September 2018, 11:16 pm

A 71-YEAR-OLD man has recounted how he survived a 20-minute fight with a crocodile in South African.

Peter Knottenbelt accidentally stepped on the 10-foot-long beast while crossing a river in the bush with his granddaughter.

The retired university lecturer said: “The moment I stood on the crocodile’s back it reacted with violence, gripping my right leg in its jaws and throwing me from side to side.”

His wife and family looked on in horror from the river bank.

Nearby rangers heard the family’s screams and dashed to the scene.

“I heard bones in my leg being crushed. While I fought for my life, I thought it was a futile attempt against such a large predator.

“The rangers were shooting into the water close to frighten the crocodile.

“I managed to find its head while it was swimming into deeper water for the inevitable drowning. I forced my thumbs into its eye sockets with all my might.

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Source: 筋肉速報
【衝撃】71歳のおじいちゃん、3メートルの怪物ワニとの20分間の格闘から生還 南アフリカ